Cyberday help content

Help articles

"Edit structure" - Editing units and sites

Learn more about how to create and work with different units and sites in Cyberday in this help article.

Adding custom requirements

There is a way to create custom requirements, which you can then link to either existing or new custom tasks.

Allowing the Teams app and it's permissions

Applications can be allowed either one at a time, as a root user at once on behalf of the entire organization, or as a root user with extensive options from the Teams root user view.

Asset-based risk identification

Introducing new asset-based risk identification feature

Available frameworks in Cyberday and voting / wishing for new ones

Learn more about our framework library, upcoming frameworks and how you can influence it.

Available support methods for Cyberday use

We are committed to support you with suitable learning materials and Cyberday instructions in our Academy.

Content: Tasks, Documentation, Guidelines and Reporting

Using Cyberday's Dashboard, users can choose to view content from the view point of a specific framework, a specific cyber security theme, remote work, or mobile devices. Using our online presentation

Learn more about our online slide deck/intro slide deck for Cyberday in this help article.

Distributing reports via Guidebook

Reports can be shared to employees via Guidebook, when it's important that all employees read them through.

Divide task implementation to multiple units / sites

Task implementation can be divided to multiple units / sites e.g. when different sites or units are implementing a task in different ways.

Employee guideline monitoring

With Cyberday, the organization can automatically monitor the guideline acceptance status for each employee and get an overview for admins and the core team.

Enabling CIA classification feature for main assets

This help article shows how to enable CIA classification feature in Cyberday.

Feature: Documentation tables

Cyberday does not only allow you to i.e. create policies, you can also keep all of your documentation items in an overview in one place.

Feature: Give feedback on guidelines

Learn more about how you can give feedback to guidelines, where admins can find it and why it is beneficial.

Feature: Guideline list

You can activate either pre-made or your individual guidelines, which will be shown to your employees in the Guidebook.

Filling documentation for important data assets

Key information assets in organizations data processing environment includes for example Data systems, Processes, Data stores and Data sets.

Getting started in Cyberday

Learn more about how to start the setup of you (trial) account and the first steps in Cyberday.

Guidelines: Use case examples and skill tests to extend awareness process

How can you help your employees to better remember and to follow guidelines more carefully? This help article tells more about case examples and skill tests and how to use those in Cyberday.

How can I export data from Cyberday?

Find different ways to export data from Cyberday

How do I create cyber security reports?

In Cyberday, it is very easy to create any report you need. You can simply choose from our templates, select your target language and benefit from the automations.

How do I start to use Cyberday in Teams?

You can use Cyberday directly in your familiar Teams environment. In this article we will show you how to get started.

How is the Cyberday data backed up?

The data in Cyberday is backed up in two different ways. Backups are kept in the same region (EU) as the database, but in physically separate locations.

How to access your Cyberday organization dashboard in Teams?

In this article we'll show you how to ask access to organization's dashboard.

How to delegate tasks and show evidence of completion?

In this article you'll learn how to activate, edit, structure and implement tasks.

How to distribute guidelines for employees?

Guidelines are one of the main content types in Cyberday. In this article you'll learn how to distribute guidelines.

How to install the Teams app for multiple users at once

Cyberday Teams app has two different modes. App can be added to an individual user or to a team.

How to manage Teams apps as an admin?

As the administrator of your Microsoft Teams environment, there are many ways you can control how other users can take advantage of the applications found in the Teams app store.

How to manage extensions inside Cyberday?

You can extend your functionality with available free and paid extension.

How to use the (internal) audit feature

Learn how to use and benefit from our (internal) auditing feature in Cyberday. Where can you find it, how does it work? Find out here!

Import multiple items at once

In certain documentation listings, you can create multiple items at once.

Incident management summary in Cyberday

In this article we will show you how you can approach incident management in Cyberday.

Intro to Cyberday partner features

Learn more about our partner features, such as the GAP analysis or time tracking, and how to use them in this article.

Intro to employee Guidebook on Cyberday

In this article we will show you how Guidebook works.

Joining collaboration groups in Community

The Community section allows you to connect with peers, personalize your experience, and share insights.

Linking existing SharePoint files to your Cyberday content

This article describes how you can add your SharePoint and ten link external files for example to tasks or documentation.

Multilingual work in Cyberday

Learn more about the available languages and how to use and benefit from the different languages in Cyberday.

Optional data fields in Cyberday

Cyberday’s default structure in documentation directs to document the things required by the requirements framework, which are automatically utilized in e.g. reporting. However, the documentation can be expanded using optional data fields.

Partner Portal

Learn more about our new partner portal in Kiflo.

Personalize the menu by pinning items

Read more about how to personalize your dashboard view main menu.

Posting, replies and notifications in Community

This article goes through the basics of taking part in the Cyberday community.

Printing tips for reports

Print reports with the tips to generate finest possible looking results.

Publishing embeddable reports on your website

For example personal data processing regulations (e.g. the GDPR) and some national legislations require public communication about certain data processing matters. These requirements can be filled by maintaining the documentation in Cyberday and then publishing an embed report. This article will tell you how.

Setting a custom logo for your organization

Learn how to set your custom logo in Cyberday.

Share reports through Microsoft Teams channels

In Cyberday reports are summaries of data that can be distributed in read-only format outside of just admins and core team members utilizing teams inside MS Teams.

Steps needed for ISO 27001 certification audit readiness

This is a recommendation of work priorities in Cyberday, when the goal is to be ready for ISO 27001 certification audit.

Task assurance methods

In this article, you can read more about the different assurance methods and how to use them.

Taskbook instruction guide

The Taskbook is a summary of all the items you are owning in your organization's cyber security management system.

Unit-employee AD syncing

How you can sync Cyberday Units and AD-groups

User management: Different user roles in Cyberday

People who use Cyberday are divided into different user groups with different rights. This article goes through the purposes of different user levels.

User management: Inviting and managing other users

Users are the people who access and manage your organisation's cyber security content. In this article you can learn how to invite and manage other users.

Using "security statement" reports

How do security statement reports in Cyberday work and what kind of detail levels are available?

Using compliance reports

Compliance report serves as a comprehensive overview of your organization's answers to each requirement / control in the related framework.

Visual mode draws out documentation item's connections

You can switch to 'visual mode' on a documentation card to see all item's connections drawn out visually on a canvas.

What are most popular guidelines for remote work and mobile devices?

Learn more about the most popular guidelines for remote work and mobile devices and how to use them in Cyberday.

What is cyber security asset documentation?

Many cyber security frameworks and regulations require up-to-date documentation, processed personal data, partner organizations and cyber security risks.

What is the Organisation dashboard and who can access it?

Here you can find a very short definition of the dashboard and who has access to it.

What kind of frameworks are available?

How to enable and disable frameworks, and what frameworks Cyberday has.

What kind of logging is available about changes in your Cyberday account?

All changes made in your Cyberday are comprehensively logged. You can view event logs at different levels - as an admin from the "All events" page or from an individual item.

Where do I sign up for 14-day free trial?

You can try our trial 14 days for free!

Which units to group employees into?

Units are designed to help you target relevant cyber security guidelines and training for employees.

Working as a partner: customer overview

To ensure the transparency and efficiency of our partnership, we have created our own Cyberday "Partner Portal", the customer overview.

Working with Partner management: Data processor, System provider, other stakeholder...

This help article tackles the partner management terminology.

Video courses

ISO 27001 introduction

We will go through the basics of Cyberday and how ISO 27001 standard can support systematic information security management. We will also cover the 2022 update to the standard.

NIS2 introduction

We will present the basics of the directive (e.g. who's in the scope, what changed from NIS and how should you react) and Cyberday ISMS as the central place for own information security efforts.

ISO 27001 and certification audit fundamentals

We will present the needed documents and other most important elements of a successful ISO 27001 certification audit.

Asset documentation

We will present configuring your ISMS with proper security standards, managing users and starting the work with asset identification.

ISO 27001 and personnel awareness

We deal with personnel training, guidance and the automation of all this as part of the information security management system.

ISO 27001 and risk management

We deal with determining the means of managing information security through information security risk management, as well as creating and sharing a Statement of Applicability (SoA).

Cyberday overall intro

We go through the Cyberday concept and the fundamentals of systematic information security management.

Continuously improving your ISMS

We deal with the credible running of your own digital security management system, continuous development and supervision related to digital security work.


Admin 1: Demo: Main features of Cyberday

We will briefly go through the Cyberday concept, most important features and support methods you can use on your cyber security work.

Admin 1: Demo: Quick intro to basics of Cyberday

We will briefly go through the Cyberday concept, most important features and support methods you can use on your cyber security work.

Admin 1: Different infromation security frameworks

We will briefly go through the Cyberday concept, most important features and support methods you can use on your cyber security work.

Admin 1: ISMS and what is Cyberday

We will briefly go through the Cyberday concept, most important features and support methods you can use on your cyber security work.

Admin 1: Steps to becoming skilled in using Cyberday

We will briefly go through the Cyberday concept, most important features and support methods you can use on your cyber security work.

Admin 2: Demo: Asset identification

We will present configuring your ISMS with proper security standards, managing users and starting the work with asset identification.

Admin 2: Demo: Configuring your Cyberday account

We will present configuring your ISMS with proper security standards, managing users and starting the work with asset identification.

Admin 2: Demo: Editing documentation card templates

We will present configuring your ISMS with proper security standards, managing users and starting the work with asset identification.

Admin 2: Identification of assets

We will present configuring your ISMS with proper security standards, managing users and starting the work with asset identification.

Admin 2: What are information security frameworks

We will present configuring your ISMS with proper security standards, managing users and starting the work with asset identification.

Admin 3: Basics of risk management process

We will present the most important features that are required for setting up systematic information security management in an organization.

Admin 3: Demo: Find your baseline

We will present the most important features that are required for setting up systematic information security management in an organization.

Admin 3: Demo: Risk treatment in Cyberday

We will present the most important features that are required for setting up systematic information security management in an organization.

Admin 3: What are information security risks

We will present the most important features that are required for setting up systematic information security management in an organization.

Admin 3: What standards require from risk management

We will present the most important features that are required for setting up systematic information security management in an organization.

Admin 4: Demo: Dynamic policy documents

We will present extending the ISMS to processes for employee training, reporting about own compliance and improving the ISMS even further.

Admin 4: Demo: Personnel guidance in Cyberday

We will present extending the ISMS to processes for employee training, reporting about own compliance and improving the ISMS even further.

Admin 4: Demo: Personnel training in Cyberday

We will present extending the ISMS to processes for employee training, reporting about own compliance and improving the ISMS even further.

Admin 4: Personnel's role in information security

We will present extending the ISMS to processes for employee training, reporting about own compliance and improving the ISMS even further.

Admin 4: Why is staff's role growing in information security

We will present extending the ISMS to processes for employee training, reporting about own compliance and improving the ISMS even further.

Admin 5: Continuous improvement

We will present ways for successfully operating and continuously improving your ISMS.

Admin 5: Demo: Improvements management in Cyberday

We will present ways for successfully operating and continuously improving your ISMS.

Admin 5: Demo: Reacting to important events in Cyberday

We will present ways for successfully operating and continuously improving your ISMS.

Admin 5: Demo: Running your ISMS and treating issues

We will present ways for successfully operating and continuously improving your ISMS.

Admin 5: Improvements in Cyberday

We will present ways for successfully operating and continuously improving your ISMS.

ISO 27001 1: Demo: Reports & end results for auditor or you

We will go through the basics of Cyberday and how ISO 27001 standard can support systematic information security management. We will also cover the 2022 update to the standard.

ISO 27001 1: Demo: Starting your ISO 27001 journey in Cyberday

We will go through the basics of Cyberday and how ISO 27001 standard can support systematic information security management. We will also cover the 2022 update to the standard.

ISO 27001 1: ISO 27001 certification and popularity

We will go through the basics of Cyberday and how ISO 27001 standard can support systematic information security management. We will also cover the 2022 update to the standard.

ISO 27001 1: What is Cyberday?

We will go through the basics of Cyberday and how ISO 27001 standard can support systematic information security management. We will also cover the 2022 update to the standard.

ISO 27001 1: What is ISO 27001?

We will go through the basics of Cyberday and how ISO 27001 standard can support systematic information security management. We will also cover the 2022 update to the standard.

ISO 27001 2: Demo: Risk evaluation and treatment in Cyberday

We will present the basics of risk management, defining security controls and utilizing the statement of applicability.

ISO 27001 2: Demo: Statement of Applicability (SoA) in Cyberday

We will present the basics of risk management, defining security controls and utilizing the statement of applicability.

ISO 27001 2: Intro to information security risk management

We will present the basics of risk management, defining security controls and utilizing the statement of applicability.

ISO 27001 2: Risk management process and automation in Cyberday

We will present the basics of risk management, defining security controls and utilizing the statement of applicability.

ISO 27001 2: Statement of Applicability in ISO 27001

We will present the basics of risk management, defining security controls and utilizing the statement of applicability.

ISO 27001 3: Demo: Internal audits and management reviews

We will present the most important elements of a successful ISO 27001 certification audit.

ISO 27001 3: Demo: Share reports to the auditor in Teams

We will present the most important elements of a successful ISO 27001 certification audit.

ISO 27001 3: Mandatory documents needed in the audit

We will present the most important elements of a successful ISO 27001 certification audit.

ISO 27001 3: What does the auditor do and phases of the audit

We will present the most important elements of a successful ISO 27001 certification audit.

ISO 27001 3: Why get certified?

We will present the most important elements of a successful ISO 27001 certification audit.

ISO 27001 4: Demo: Automated app distribution in Teams

We will present the creation of an automatized and compliant staff training and awareness procedure.

ISO 27001 4: Demo: Personnel security guidance in Cyberday

We will present the creation of an automatized and compliant staff training and awareness procedure.

ISO 27001 4: Demo: Tips on policy documents and other topics

We will present the creation of an automatized and compliant staff training and awareness procedure.

ISO 27001 4: ISO 27001 requirements for personnel awareness

We will present the creation of an automatized and compliant staff training and awareness procedure.

ISO 27001 4: Importance of personnel awareness to security

We will present the creation of an automatized and compliant staff training and awareness procedure.

ISO 27001 5: Demo: Improvement management

We will present ways for successfully operating and continuously improving your ISMS.

ISO 27001 5: Demo: Incident management

We will present ways for successfully operating and continuously improving your ISMS.

ISO 27001 5: Demo: Operating your ISMS without problems

We will present ways for successfully operating and continuously improving your ISMS.

ISO 27001 5: Different improvements in Cyberday

We will present ways for successfully operating and continuously improving your ISMS.

ISO 27001 5: ISO 27001 and continuous improvement in Cyberday

We will present ways for successfully operating and continuously improving your ISMS.

NIS2: Demo: Build your NIS2-compliant plan in Cyberday

We will present the basics of the directive (e.g. who's in the scope, what changed from NIS and how should you react) and Cyberday ISMS as the central place for own information security efforts.

NIS2: Demo: Intro to important NIS2-topics in Cyberday

We will present the basics of the directive (e.g. who's in the scope, what changed from NIS and how should you react) and Cyberday ISMS as the central place for own information security efforts.

NIS2: NIS background

We will present the basics of the directive (e.g. who's in the scope, what changed from NIS and how should you react) and Cyberday ISMS as the central place for own information security efforts.

NIS2: What is Cyberday?

We will present the basics of the directive (e.g. who's in the scope, what changed from NIS and how should you react) and Cyberday ISMS as the central place for own information security efforts.

NIS2: What is NIS2 Directive?

We will present the basics of the directive (e.g. who's in the scope, what changed from NIS and how should you react) and Cyberday ISMS as the central place for own information security efforts.

Blog posts

10 most important tasks for a CISO and tips for being successful

This article provides an insight into the main responsibilities of a CISO, from implementing security principles to fostering collaboration. It also presents valuable tips for successful performance, emphasizing constant learning as a key ingredient.

5 Efficient Ways for Involving People in Your Security Work

Discover how teamwork, education, reporting, and risk assessments empower ISMS. Explore 5 ways to engage people for a secure, collaborative digital space.

6 ways to assess security work effectiveness

Evaluating the effectiveness of your cybersecurity involves examining the adequacy of your existing security measures. This process helps you identify your current security status and determine the necessary actions to enhance and fortify.

AI Act, cyber risks and breaches: Cyberday product and news roundup 1/2024 🛡️

In January's summary, development themes include reporting updates, improved report sharing and upgraded Academy. On the news side talk about AI Act, cyber risks and breaches.

Access Control & MFA (NIS2 21.2): Build A Solid Foundation with ISO 27001 Best Practices

What are the requirements for access control and MFA in NIS2 and ISO 27001 and how can they be implemented successfully? Learn more about the controls, requirements, best practices and how to overcome potential challenges in this blog post.

Become a Cyberday partner: Features, benefits and best practices

A good and efficient tool such as Cyberday is a great way to work on the organization's cyber secuirty. However, for some organizations that is not enough and the expertise and support of a consultant is needed. Our partner program offers both!

Best Practices and Common Challenges of ISMS Implementation

No matter if you are an IT professional, a cyber security expert, or in a management role, this post will provide you with valuable insights into the best practices for a successful ISMS implementation and how to navigate common challenges.

Best Practices from ISO 27001 for Secure System Acquisition and Development: Create your NIS2 measures

Get tips on securely acquiring and developing systems with a focus on ISO 27001, helping meet NIS2 requirements. Post explains key aspects like secure coding, acquiring secure applications and testing or publishing changes in a controlled manner.

Build your NIS2 measures for Business Continuity and Backups with ISO 27001

This post offers insight on complying with NIS2's continuity and backup requirements using ISO 27001's best practices. It guides you through continuity planning, backup processes, challenges, and achieving compliance effectively.

Cannes Hospital data breach, the impact of AI and NIS2 evolution: the Cyberday product and news round-up 5/2024 🛡️

May's Product and News Update presents the new monthly ISMS reports as well as the Metrics page. Other topics include Cyberday's new framework DORA and recent news around the world.

Content update published to Cyberday

We released an update to Cyberday documentation. The goal was to streamline documentation, highlight the most important things and significantly reduce the amount of separately documented items.

Cyberday Community has been launched!

We just launched a new Community section inside Cyberday. Our goal is to make collaboration with your peers and with us easier and thus help you improve your information security even further!

Cyberday Teams app is now available!

Our Teams app passed the latest Microsoft tests and is now available from the Teams app store. This article reviews the benefits and deployment of Cyberday's Teams app.

Cyberday launched: Frameworks, Teams-integration and much more

Cyberday works now inside a Microsoft Teams and by choosing a framework you can guide your own work. In this blog you'll find a summary from reforms!

Efficient cyber risk management with new autopilot mode

We're constatly searching for ways to automate and create efficient cyber risk management. Our newest additions is risk autopilot mode. It's concept is described on this post.

Empowering Employees: The Keystone in Incident Detection and Reporting

Employees are vital for detecting and reporting cyber threats and bolstering security. Proper training fosters a resilient culture, ensuring timely responses and safeguarding against breaches.

Encryption, RaaS, supply chain attacks: Monthly Cyberday product and news roundup 12/2023 🛡️

In December's summary, development themes include UI updates and information security statements. On the news side talk about encryption, RaaS and supply chain attacks.

Guide to Incident Detection and Reporting: Prepared for the Worst

In this guide you'll learn to navigate the incident detection and reporting process, explore various mechanisms, understand reporting, documentation, and derive crucial lessons. We also glance at other ingredients for successful incident management.

ISMS Guide: Top 10 ISMS Implementation Benefits

What is an ISMS and why does your organization benefit from its implementation in the long run? This blog post will give you a short guide about all the basics you need to know about an ISMS and its top 10 benefits.

ISO 27001 and ISO 9001: Differences, how they work together and benefits of combining

Learn about the synergy between ISO 27001 and ISO 9001. Learn how integrating these standards enhances information security, quality management, and overall operational efficiency, using case examples and actionable insights.

ISO 27001 and NIS2: Understanding their Connection

Learn how the ISO 27001 and the NIS2 are "connected" and why they are brought up together pretty often. Understand their differences and synergy with the help of this blog post.

ISO 27001 standard updated to 2022 version - what changed?

What has changed when comparing 2013 vs. 2022 versions of ISO 27001 and how are these updates visible on Cyberday?‍

Infographic: Why is cyber security getting more and more important?

Here's a visual summary of some of the drivers that continue to make cyber security more and more important for all organizations.

Information Security Risk Management: A Step-by-step Guide to a Clear Process

This post offers a comprehensive guide on managing information security risks, from pre-steps like asset identification to evaluation, treatment and monitoring. A crucial aspect given the surge of cyber vulnerabilities amid increasing tech advances.

Information security risk management in Cyberday: Identifying risks, evaluation, treatment and closure

Every cyber security framework highlights risk management in its own way. We summarize in this post, what's essential in information security risk management and what kind of an approach Cyberday offers for it.

Intro to Incident Management: Definitions, benefits and best practices

Learn how an incident management process improves communication, documentation, and continuous improvement for IT organisations.

NIS2 Compliance: Top 5 Reasons for the Manufacturing Sector

The article highlights the critical importance for manufacturers to comply with NIS2 regulations to safeguard their operations and infrastructure from cyber threats.

NIS2 Incident Reporting Requirements and related ISO 27001 Best Practices

This post outlines NIS2 incident reporting and further describes ISO 27001 best practices, and their application in crafting successful incident reporting processes for your organization.

NIS2 Overview: History, key contents and significance for top management

Get an overview of NIS2's main contents and understand how it makes top management clearly responsible for organization's information security efforts.

NIS2: Get familiar with the EU's new cyber security directive (part 1/3)

Learn about the background and reasons behind the EU's new Network and Information Security 2 (NIS2) Directive. How does it affect your company and how should you react to be compliant?

NIS2: Who's in the scope and what security measures are required? (part 2/3)

In this post you'll learn about what industries are affected by NIS2, security requirements the directive sets, and the available enforcement methods if an organization is not compliant.

NIS2: Working towards compliance with Cyberday (3/3)

✈️ You want to lift your cyber security management to a new level & get NIS2 compliant with a smart tool like Cyberday? In this post you'll learn how your organization can achieve NIS2 compliance in a smart way by building an own agile ISMS.

Personnel information security training and guidelines in Cyberday

Most data breaches start with human error. Still, investments in technical information security are often made more eagerly. We tell you why staff information security training and guidelines are important and how to implement then efficiently.

Potential Struggles IT Companies might Encounter with Incident Identification and Reporting Today

The complexities of incident identification and reporting in IT, touching on coordination problems, tool inadequacies, and process deficiencies. It explores modern challenges like cyber threats and alert fatigue, as well as the cognitive gap.

Ransomware, AI Act 101, NIST CSF 2.0: Cyberday product and news round up 3/2024 🛡️

In the March digest, development themes include new frameworks, risk management improvements and a new visual view for documentation cards. The news features Information Security Trailblazers, data breaches and AI Act 101.

SOC 2: Working towards compliance (1/2)

With the help of SOC 2, organisations can provide proof of effectively implemented controls and the use of best practices to protect the data to their customers and stakeholders, which may help to build trust.

The Human Firewall Effect: Tips for Securing Your Organization from Within

This blog post emphasizes the critical role employees play in bolstering an organization's cyber security. It discusses developing clear guidelines, employee training, and monitoring progress to create a strong human firewall.

Top 7 information security standards, frameworks and laws explained

Many information security frameworks are available to help organizations build their own security plans. This article provides key information about some of the most popular information security frameworks.

Understanding HR Security Basics for ISO 27001 & NIS2 Compliance

Discover how the crucial role of HR in information security not only shapes the corporate security culture, but also steers the organization towards ISO 27001 and NIS2 compliance, ensuring secure handling of information assets and much more.