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new feature
January 27, 2023

Coming up: Community-section in Cyberday

We're building a new Community-section to Cyberday, which will enable you to easily ask help from us, collaborate with your peers from similar roles / organizations and get ideas for your work from other community content!

Left menu will get a new Community-section, where everyone will a Support forum and Cyber news feed.

In addition you can customize the community for your personal preferences by joining collaboration groups that interest you the most. We're going to be first publishing some open groups and later expand this to also semi-open and closed collaboration. Collaboration groups will have their own forum section and some news will be shared directly into certain collaboration groups.

All participation on the Community-section will be possible either publicly (with your user profile) or anonymously. All content will also be connected to requirements from frameworks or sections in Cyberday, so discussions get structure and content can later on be displayed on other parts of the app also.

Our goal in this development is to enable sharing best practices and make sure you're never alone while using Cyberday. More info coming up soon. 👍

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