Free ebook: NIS2 ready using ISO 27001 best practices
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Process for granting access rights at the start of employment relationships


When a person starts an employment relationship, he or she is granted access to all data systems related to his or her role at once.

Connected other frameworks and requirements:
9.2.1: User registration and de-registration
ISO 27001
9.2.2: User access provisioning
ISO 27001
PR.AC-1: Identity and credential management
5.16: Identity management
ISO 27001

Defining and documenting access roles


The organization implements role-based access control with predefined access roles for the various protected assets that entitle access to the associated asset. Strictness of the access roles should reflect the security risks associated with the asset.

The following should be considered to support access management:

  • how much information each user needs access to
  • how widely the user should be able to edit data (read, write, delete, print, execute)
  • whether other applications have access to the data
  • whether the data can be segregated within the property so that sensitive data is less exposed
Connected other frameworks and requirements:
I06: Pääsyoikeuksien hallinnointi
25. Data protection by design and by default
5. Principles relating to processing of personal data
9.1.1: Access control policy
ISO 27001
9.2.2: User access provisioning
ISO 27001

Centralized record of user's access rights to data systems


The organization maintains a centralized record of the access rights granted to each user ID to data systems and services. This recording is used to review access rights at times of employment change or in the onboarding process of new colleagues joining the same role.

Connected other frameworks and requirements:
9.2.2: User access provisioning
ISO 27001

Identification and management of shadow IT


On average, the IT administrator estimates that staff use about 50 cloud services when the actual number is 1,000. Many of these are important for staff productivity and are used outside the organization’s network, so firewall rules do not solve the challenge.

Systems that focus on identifying and managing cloud services allow you to identify the cloud services used by your staff and monitor users of different services. This helps e.g.:

  • determine our own level of risk with respect to data in cloud services
  • review used services in regard to security
  • be able to report as required, e.g. on the location of data and data processors
Connected other frameworks and requirements:
9.2.2: User access provisioning
ISO 27001
5.18: Access rights
ISO 27001

Arranging training and guidance during orientation (or before granting access rights)


Before granting access rights to data systems with confidential information employees have:

  • received appropriate guidance on their security responsibilities (including reporting responsibilities and responsibility for their own devices)
  • received appropriate guidance on their security roles related to their own role (including digital security rules related to their role and information systems and their acceptable use)
  • received information from cyber security contacts who can be asked for more information
Connected other frameworks and requirements:
2 luku, 4 §: Tiedonhallinnan järjestäminen tiedonhallintayksikössä
7.3: Termination and change of employment
ISO 27001
7.3.1: Termination or change of employment responsibilities
ISO 27001
9.2.2: User access provisioning
ISO 27001
PR.IP-11: Cybersecurity in human resources
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