Free ebook: NIS2 ready using ISO 27001 best practices
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Staff guidance and training procedure in cyber security


Our organization has defined procedures for maintaining staff's cyber security awareness.These may include e.g. the following things:

  • staff receive instructions describing the general guidelines of digital security related to their job role
  • staff receive training to maintain the appropriate digital and cyber security skills and knowledge required for the job role
  • staff demonstrate through tests that they have the security skills and knowledge required for the job role

Training should focus on the most relevant security aspects for each job role and include often enough the basics, which concern all employees:

  • employee's personal security responsibilities (e.g. for devices and processed data)
  • policies relevant for everyone (e.g. security incident reporting)
  • guidelines relevant for everyone (e.g. clean desk)
  • organization's security roles (who to contact with problems)
Connected other frameworks and requirements:
T11: Turvallisuuskoulutus ja -tietoisuus
2 luku, 4 §: Tiedonhallinnan järjestäminen tiedonhallintayksikössä
29. Processing under the authority of the controller or processor
32. Security of processing
7.2.1: Management responsibilities
ISO 27001

Personnel guidelines for safe usage of mobile devices


There are separate instructions for staff to use mobile devices. The instructions cover:

  • restrictions on installing software and using various services on your organization's devices
  • procedures for the registration of new devices
  • requirements for physical protection of equipment and installation of updates
  • access control requirements
  • protecting your organization’s data with encryption, malware protection, and backup
  • the ability of the organization to remotely control the device
Connected other frameworks and requirements:
11.2.6: Security of equipment and assets off-premises
ISO 27001
6.2.1: Mobile device policy
ISO 27001
10.1.1: Policy on the use of cryptographic controls
ISO 27001
11.2.8: Unattended user equipment
ISO 27001
12.6.2: Restrictions on software installation
ISO 27001

Personnel guidelines for safe processing of personal and confidential data


The Data Protection Officer (or other responsible person) has drawn up operating instructions for personnel handling personal data. In addition, the Data Protection Officer is ready to advise the controller, personal data processing partners or their own staff on compliance with GDPR or other data protection requirements.

Connected other frameworks and requirements:
29. Processing under the authority of the controller or processor
7.2.2: Information security awareness, education and training
ISO 27001
18.1.4: Privacy and protection of personally identifiable information
12.1.1: Documented operating procedures
ISO 27001
11.2.8: Unattended user equipment
ISO 27001

Personnel guidelines for reporting security incidents


A process for reporting incidents is maintained to help staff report incidents efficiently and consistently.

Things to report as an incident include e.g.:

  • unauthorized access to data / premises
  • action against security guidelines
  • suspected security issue (e.g. phishing, malware infection)
  • data system outage
  • accidental or intentional destruction / alteration of data
  • lost or stolen device
  • compromised password
  • lost physical identifier (e.g. keychain, smart card, smart sticker)
  • suspected security weakness (e.g. on utilized data system or other procedures)

The personnel guidelines emphasize the obligation to report security incidents as soon as possible in accordance with the agreed process. The instructions also describe other operations in the event of an incident (e.g. recording seen error messages and other details).

Connected other frameworks and requirements:
T06: Turvallisuuspoikkeamien hallinta
24. Responsibility of the controller
16.1.3: Reporting information security weaknesses
ISO 27001
16.1.2: Reporting information security events
ISO 27001
ID.RA-3: Threat identification

Personnel guidelines for safe data system and authentication info usage


The organization should have defined guidelines for the generally acceptable use of data systems and for the management of the necessary credentials.

In addition, the owners of data systems classified as 'High' or 'Critical' priority can define, document, and implement more specific guidelines for the use of that particular data system. These guidelines can describe e.g. security requirements related to the data contained in the system.

Connected other frameworks and requirements:
32. Security of processing
29. Processing under the authority of the controller or processor
8.1.3: Acceptable use of assets
ISO 27001
12.1.1: Documented operating procedures
ISO 27001
9.1.1: Access control policy
ISO 27001

Personnel guidelines for file usage and local data


Especially when local or unstructured data needs to be handled a lot due to the nature of the activity, it may be necessary to develop training that describes the risks involved for staff.

Common problems with local and unstructured data include e.g.:

  • no backups
  • no access management
  • hard to locate

For data you do not want to lose, that you want to control, or that is important to find in the future, staff should use data systems designed for it.

Connected other frameworks and requirements:
7.2.2: Information security awareness, education and training
ISO 27001
11.2.9: Clear desk and clear screen policy
ISO 27001
5.10: Acceptable use of information and other associated assets
ISO 27001
8.12: Data leakage prevention
ISO 27001

Personnel guidelines for safe disposal of paper data


Papers containing sensitive information should be disposed of in an agreed manner, for example, using a shredder or by incineration.

Connected other frameworks and requirements:
I17: Salassa pidettävien tietojen jäljentäminen - Tulostus ja kopiointi
8.3.2: Disposal of media
ISO 27001
A.11.7: Secure disposal of hardcopy materials
ISO 27018
PR.DS-3: Asset management
PR.IP-6: Data destruction
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