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Documentation of data sets for data stores


The organization shall maintain a list of data sets contained in the data stores it manages.

The documentation shall include at least the following information:

  • Data systems and other means used to process the data sets
  • Key categories of data in the data set (and whether it contains personal data)
  • Data retention period (discussed in more detail in a separate task)
  • Information on archiving / disposal of data (discussed in more detail in a separate task)
Connected other frameworks and requirements:
T07: Tietojen luokittelu
4 luku, 13 §: Tietoaineistojen ja tietojärjestelmien tietoturvallisuus
4 luku, 15 §: Tietoaineistojen turvallisuuden varmistaminen
6. Lawfulness of processing
5. Principles relating to processing of personal data

Definition of data classifications and class-specific security procedures


Data classification can be used to give data processors a quick view of how critical data is and how data should be processed and protected.

The data categories used and the corresponding security levels are defined. The category of information is defined by analyzing the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information in question, as well as any other requirements. Each level is given a clear and descriptive name.

Data classifications can be, for example, the following:

  • disclosure of information does not cause harm (PUBLIC)
  • disclosure of information causes slight inconvenience or minor operational annoyance (CONFIDENTIAL)
  • disclosure of information has significant short-term effects on operations or tactical objectives (LIMITED)
  • disclosure of information has serious implications for long-term strategic objectives or jeopardizes the very existence of the organization (PROHIBITED)

CONFIDENTIAL paper information may require e.g. the following protections:

  • Locked cabinet
  • Trusted transfer partner
  • Sealed envelopes
  • Safe disposal process

CONFIDENTIAL electronic information may require e.g. the following protections:

  • Use the selected encryption level
  • Password protection
  • Safe disposal process
  • More limited access rights
Connected other frameworks and requirements:
T07: Tietojen luokittelu
8.2.1: Classification of information
ISO 27001
8.2.2: Labelling of information
ISO 27001
8.2: Information classification
ISO 27001
8.2.3: Handling of assets
ISO 27001

Documentation of data classes for data sets


The dataset owners (or the owners of the related information asset, such as a data store or data system) are responsible for the classifications of the datasets and the correspondence of the classification to the definitions of the classes.

The owner updates the data classification over the life cycle of the asset according to variations in its value, sensitivity, and criticality.

Connected other frameworks and requirements:
T07: Tietojen luokittelu
8.2.1: Classification of information
ISO 27001
18.1.3: Protection of records
ISO 27001
ID.AM-5: Resource prioritization
5.12: Classification of information
ISO 27001

Designation of data set owners


An owner is assigned to each data set. The owner is responsible for the life cycle of the information asset and is responsible for performing the management tasks related to that asset.

The owner's duties include e.g.:

  • ensuring the documentation of asset
  • ensuring appropriate protection of asset
  • regularly reviewing access rights
  • ensuring proper handling of information, also on disposal

The owner can delegate some of the tasks, but the responsibility remains with the owner.

Connected other frameworks and requirements:
T07: Tietojen luokittelu
4 luku, 13 §: Tietoaineistojen ja tietojärjestelmien tietoturvallisuus
4 luku, 15 §: Tietoaineistojen turvallisuuden varmistaminen
32. Security of processing
8.1.2: Ownership of assets
ISO 27001
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